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Lone Star Basketball Nation Booster Club

Our Mission:

The Lone Star Basketball Nation is dedicated to provide overall support for our basketball program. We want to build team spirit, promote good sportsmanship, community loyalty, and pride in our school.


Who we are:
A group of parents who lend their time and efforts to support the Lone Star Basketball players and coaches.


Get involved, be supportive, and JOIN THE NATION!


There are opportunities to volunteer throughout the season. We aim to serve and assist the program with a variety of projects to enhance the experience for parents and athletes in the program.

 Join the Booster Club, volunteer and and support these athletes as they compete this season. 


How do I join the booster club?


Your athlete's player fee of $100 or $140 for Varsity and you're in. That's it! Membership has its privileges! It helps build team spirit! High-spirit teams are infections and have a positive influence on spirit and culture of a whole organization.



How do I support the booster club projects and activities?


Because booster clubs are operated by volunteers, we are aware of the fear of getting too involved and becoming overwhelmed. That is not our goal! We have a series projects to chose from that allows parents in all grade levels to find the best volunteer opportunity for you. 


Background Check


 Anyone working around our students MUST have an approved background check on file with the district, annually. It takes about a week to get the results and the district lets the school secretary and receptionist know of an approved individual. The district does not contact the individual requesting the background check. Here is a link to the FISD site

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Get in 


Thanks for submitting!

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